Donate PEEP$ in two easy steps


1. Open this page in your crypto wallet app on a mobile device or desktop browser with a web3 extension installed. (

2. Connect Wallet and Click the Get PEEP$ here button if you need PEEP$.

3. Choose the cause that you want your donation to go to.

4. Enter a donation amount in USD for example 50 for $50.

5. Click Submit Form and proceed to confirm the transaction in the pop up from your wallet application.

Once your donation is on its way you will see a message that says “Donation Successful!”

Congrats! You’ve just made a difference with your donation!

Connect to Donate PEEP$

  • metamask
  • trustwallet
    Trust Wallet
  • binancewallet
    Binance Wallet
  • walletconnect


  1. Click on your respective wallet on the left to connect. *If using Mobile, make sure to open the this page within your wallet browser to allow connectivity.
  2. Once your wallet is open/connected, select PEEP$ as the currency to send to the PEEP$ – The publicly registered peepsdonation.eth wallet is already set as the receiver.
  3.  Enter the amount of PEEP$ you’d like to donate, fill in your email for confirmation, click the ‘I Agree’ toggle to green.
  4. Your wallet pop up/open asking you to confirm, click confirm.
  5. Congrats! You’ve just made a difference with your donation!


Congratulations on completing STEP ONE, figuratively and literally, by using the PEEP$ Platform! 

We hope it felt rewarding to perform an act of kindness with your contribution!

 We also believe it’s fair for you to be rewarded too, so now let’s make sure you get your credit where it’s due, by filling out your info in the PEEP$ receipt generator to the right.

Did we mention, if you previously acquired PEEP$ token for the 50/50 Raffle, completing this process will score you bonus Raffle tickets? If you already knew that, then awesome! 

If not, head over to our Main Page after you complete STEP TWO to get more information on how to qualify, participate and ensure you’re maximizing the rewards you can win when you utilize PEEP$ !

Need help donating PEEP$?

Send us a message!