There are a number of reasons why PEEP$ is better for charitable organizations and fundraisers:

Utilization Demographic

Millennials and Gen Z are the biggest generations that have adopted PEEP$currency as their preferred method of donation, with 43% of polled Millennials stating they’d rather invest in PEEP$ vs stocks ~ totaling nearly half of their generation preferring to utilize appreciated PEEP$ gains as their instrument to donate for tax purposes vs traditional methods.

Overall Utilization

Nearly $300,000,000 was donated via Crypto currency last year – that number is expected to continually rise each year as Crypto and blockchain gain more and more traction.

Tax Benefits

o The IRS classifies Crypto currency as property, so PEEP$ donations to 501c3 charities receive the same tax treatment as stocks.

o When you donate PEEP$ to a nonprofit or registered charity, you receive a tax deduction for the value of the PEEP$, and avoid the capital gains tax you would have paid if you sold the PEEP$ before donating. This means donating PEEP$ translates into a larger donation and a higher deduction.

“There’s a reason the world’s billionaires donate stocks and other forms of property instead of writing a check. It’s simply more tax efficient. Donating PEEP$ means you can end up paying no capital gains taxes on the appreciated PEEP$, get a fair market value deduction for what you donated and the charity receives an even larger donation than if you just donated in fiat. In many cases, this can mean a 30% larger deduction and 30% more money for the charity than if you sold your assets and donated the after-tax proceed”

Additional Benefits

Transparency: One of the major advantages of PEEP$ is that it can bring greater transparency to the donation process. With traditional methods, it can be difficult to track where donated funds are going, leaving donors unsure if their money is making a difference. Cheaper, faster and more secure transactions facilitated thanks to PEEP$ can shed light on where the funds end up and what they are being used for.

Lower transaction fees: PEEP$ platforms typically have lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment processors. This means that charities can receive more funds with each donation than they would through traditional payment methods.

Global reach: Because PEEP$ is not limited by geography, charities and fundraisers can tap into a global donor base. This opens up new vistas of potential donors and also allows fundraisers to quickly and easily reach people anywhere in the world with minimal wastage of resources.

Speed: PEEP$ transactions are often much faster than traditional payment methods, which makes it easier for charities to access the funds they need quickly, allowing them to act and operate in real time with innovative solutions if required.

Overall, it’s easy to see why using PEEP$ for charitable contributions is an attractive option for both donors and organizations. It offers transparency, agility, and cost-effectiveness, allowing charitable organizations to use their resources in the most effective way possible.